Let’s Get Started

Covid-19 THRIVING Guide

Don’t just survive…THRIVE. Check back often. This page will be updated as new resources become available.


  1. Leading Through Tough Times

Working Remotely

  1. Working From Home Due To Coronavirus

  2. Preparing For Emergency Remote Work

  3. Guide To Managing Remote Teams

Meetings - Virtual and Onsite

  1. Slack’s Ultimate Guide To Remote Meetings

  2. Guide To Remote Meetings

  3. HBR’s Virtual Meeting Guide

  4. How To Have A Virtual Happy Hour

Strategy and Planning

  1. Dan Sullivan’s “Scary Times Success Manual”

  2. Dan Sullivan’s “Create Value in Scary Times” Podcast

  3. Reverse Accountability Chart

Cash Management

  1. Story Brand and Mike - Financial Plan Webinar

  2. Twelve Month Cash Flow Template

  3. Vistage - 90 Ideas To Cut Costs

  4. Cash Flow Story - Stress Test Tool Offer


  1. US Chamber of Commerce - Top 20 Resilience Tips

  2. Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity Plan - Template

  3. How To Build Workplace Resilience

  4. How To Disruption-Proof Your Business


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