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Intentional Culture - The Best Employee Retention Strategy

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Employee Retention

Your Best Employee Retention Strategy...Intentional Culture

  • Importance of Culture: Establishing a strong company culture is crucial for retention. A positive culture that values good management, clear expectations, and employee involvement in decision-making leads to better retention.

  • Right People in Right Seats: Ensuring that employees are well-suited to their roles enhances job satisfaction. Coaching up or out is necessary to maintain an effective team.

  • Team Building: Effective team building goes beyond traditional activities like movie outings; it involves engaging activities that foster real connections. Relationships at work, particularly having a work friend, significantly increase retention.

  • Onboarding Experience: A solid onboarding process makes a significant first impression. Pre-onboarding actions like care packages can help sell the job and the company culture to potential hires.

  • Growth Plans: Employees should see a clear path for career development within the company. Even in small companies, showing a trajectory of growth and improvement is key.

  • Mentorship: Every employee should have access to a mentor within the organization to guide them through challenges and provide advice.

  • Communication and Meetings: Regular, effective communication through well-structured meetings helps in addressing issues, solving problems, and maintaining accountability, which high performers appreciate.

  • Financial Incentives: While not the sole motivator, competitive compensation and sharing financial success, like profit sharing or bonus plans, are important for employee satisfaction.

Not sure about your company culture?  Kingdom Business Framework can help!

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